Foggy morning PowerPoint template

Continuing with the idea of using photos in my templates instead of my usual 3d renderings, here’s a template with a dark and moody feel to it. It’s a photo I took from a bike ride during a foggy morning here at home not too long ago, and I like it because it’s almost more abstract than anything else – the colors and textures are very soft.

In order to place text over top of it, I had to place a frosted white panel anchored to the right side of the slide. It lets the color and light show though, but the image itself is abstract and blurred out enough not become distracting. I’ve seen this effect used in other places (most notably starting with iOS 7 several years ago) and it looks pretty sharp. Not everyone will agree, but I think it works very well.

And instead of using the same photo (or something similar) for the interior slides, I decided to keep them very clean and all white. Most everyone I talk to prefers it this way, but for those of you who feel otherwise, don’t worry – I’ll still be producing presentation slides with rich interior slides from time to time.

One final thing to note about this one: the font I’m using is Helvetica Neue, so you’ll need that (or something very similar) if you want to achieve the same look for the typography that I have created here.

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