After I posted my illustration set of the 3d google Android logo with the smartphones, I’ve had requests from a few readers to see if there was any way of obtaining just the chrome Android logo over the dark gray background. You betcha – I’m always happy to oblige.
This logo was rendered in my typical style: highly reflective metal over a dark gray background, with subtle reflections beneath. I guess I like that combination because of the high amount of visual contrast I am able to get with my renderings. Not everyone agrees, but hey – as they say: design is a subjective thing. I tend to gravitate towards the things that I like. 🙂
Another thing I should mention is my need to give the Google team props for the design of this logo: the Android script logo itself is very clean. I like the fact that the weight of the “font” is consistent throughout and is very blocky – which makes for clean illustrations (and matches my style perfectly).
Click on the image above to download the high-res version.
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