The perfect PowerPoint template for Hawaii tourism

For anyone in need of a presentation template for beach / travel / or Hawaii topics, this one is for you! The color scheme is a little bit more neutral than what you might expect when thinking about tropical waters and warm beaches, but that’s the reason why I like it. It’s unique, at the very least.

I shot the cover photo while on vacation in Hawaii several years ago, and it’s one of the many images I shot from that trip that have been buried in my archives unused and unloved. I shot a lot of “junk” photos from that trip – you know, the kind where you just walk around taking pictures of every little thing that looks cool (just because), whether or not you think that you’ll ever do anything with them. This cover photo just so happens to be one of those. I’m finally that I finally found a use for it!

The rest of the template borrows the generic logo and other elements from my San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge PowerPoint. I did change a few colors here and there, but it’s otherwise the same. The sample table might be a bit dark for some types of content, but you could easily change the values to something lighter (in the same family of colors) if you prefer.

Speaking of changing things, I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage you to modify these templates to your own personal taste as much as possible! If you don’t like my color or font choices, by all means, change it up. I’m merely providing generic templates here, and I really don’t expect anyone to take and use them without any modification. Of course you are free to do that but it’s more fun if you can make them your own…

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